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Image by Dmytro Tolokonov

How to Prepare for The Reading

For your reading you will sit in a chair directly across from the reader. Dress for comfort.  You may want to bring water and a journal to take notes, although paper can be provided.  It is okay to record your session and take notes. I can also provide a recording of your session.

I prefer to not be pre-programmed with any information about you; however, if you are coming in with specific health issues or personal crisis and would like the reading to focus in that direction, you may share that.  If you don’t have a specific focus for the whole reading, but have a specific question, you can ask the question at the end of the reading.

Please keep both feet on the floor. This position enhances your grounding and makes it easier for me to read you.  

I will have my eyes closed part of the time. Similar to putting your eye to a microscope, I can see more detail clairvoyantly when closing my eyes.  I ask that you keep your eyes open.  When my eyes are closed I ask that you do not stare or focus on my forehead area.  This is the intuitive / clairvoyant chakra.  The more relaxed and free flowing your thoughts, the easier you are to read. 

I work with my hands and can receive information that way also, similar to a windows program on the computer.  Open a window on one side and close another.  I can see you through several windows at the same time.

I may choose to begin the reading with a “chair healing”.  This is to help you to ground and get your energies flowing.   Or, I may start with an intentional grounding exercise that I will talk you through before we start.

I sit in meditation for a half hour before your scheduled appointment time, this helps me to prepare my energy field to start to get in touch with your energy field to receive clear messages from your Spirit before we start the in person session. I sometimes start receiving information for you at that time.  I also sit in meditation and clear your energy out of my field for a half an hour after our session is over. This helps us both separate our energy and keep our fields clear and I also continue to make sure all the energy movement we did in our session is complete.

You will hear me talk a lot about Grounding, Golding and Present Timing your energy field. It is important to keep your energy in the present moment. We can very easily get stuck in past and future energies that not only rob us of our point of power but trigger us and keep us stuck in old patterning that is no longer serving us. 

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