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Image by Isis Pan

Aura Layers and Chakra Definitions

Each layer of the Aura is associated with a corresponding chakra. These layers hold within them pictures, symbols, sounds, feelings and words that tell a story of what you are working on in that chakra.

1st-Root Chakra Located between the hips, this layer reveals survival information having to do with literal life and death, health, career, money, relationships and community and how to survive as Spirit in the human body.

2nd-Sacral Chakra Just below the navel, this is your Clairsentience which means clear feeling.  This layer is about your emotional, creative and sexual energy, and your balance of masculine and feminine energies.

3rd-Solar Plexus Chakra Located above the navel but below the diaphragm, it is about energy distribution in your life, your personal power, boundaries and self-esteem.  Out of body memories and experiences are stored here, such as your dreams.

4th-Heart Chakra Found in the chest, this layer is about love and affinity for yourself, others, God and allowing love in…the ability to give and receive love.

5th-Throat Chakra Located in the throat area, this layer is all about communication.  Verbal and non-verbal communication, such as clairaudience, intuitive information and telepathic communication.  It is also your inner voice / wisdom and where you communicate with the God of your Heart, your guides and your Angels.

6th-Third eye Chakra Located in the forehead area, Clairvoyance is clear seeing of spirits, clarity of your path and your truth.  Intuition is activated here through the pineal gland.

7th-Crown Chakra This chakra faces upwards toward the heavens, coming out of the top of the head. It is Claircognizance or clear knowing.  Your authentic self, connection to your Spirit and life path and purpose are stored here.

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