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Image by Robert  Zunikoff

Self-Care after your Reading and Healing

I know that you will enjoy your reading and listen to it over and over and over again.  Please make sure you drink plenty of fluids for the next few days.  The healing you experienced during this reading is very transformational, so, hydration is important.

You may experience 1 of 2 things after the reading.

Some will feel elated and uplifted for a few days and then settle back into yourself as your spirit integrates the higher vibration into your body.

Others may feel sluggish, sleepy or kind of hung over, nauseous or feverish, for a few days as your body clears toxins of old memories and emotions, then you will feel the lift.  Each person is unique in how they process this spiritual work.

Do not be surprised to continue to experience releases off and on for the next three months or more.  Some of you will feel nothing.  Trust that changes are happening.  You may not notice them inside you, but in your outer environment such as relationships you may notice big changes in how others respond to you.


However you feel, you can benefit from a salt bath to clear residual stuck, heavy energy.  1-2 cups Sea Salt or Epsom Salts in a warm to hot bath for about 30 minutes.  You can do this once or twice a day.  This neutralizes and helps to clear any residual stuck energy in your field, in turn, uplifting you.


Eating well, sleeping when needed, getting out in nature and exercise are all additional ways to care for your body as you integrate these spiritual changes.  Meditation is also a great self-care practice!!! I have a guided meditation that I am happy to email you if you are open to receive it.

I really appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your Spirit! I never know what your Spirit will want to illuminate for you. We all have old programming, stuck memories and other people’s energy in our field (to name a few)  that heavily impacts and influences our life; but can also cloud our relationship to our own Spirit and can cloud our clear understanding of our own soul’s highest path and purpose for our lives.  While I can answer your questions, I am not giving advice or reading your future per se, I am illuminating your Spirits messages to you about what needs to be moved out or moved towards for your highest good ☺

“Working together to make you better”

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