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My Story

In my 28 years as a massage therapist I have realized “people’s issues are stuck in their tissues.”  Meaning, people’s mental, emotional and spiritual states create their level of health or dis-ease in their physical body. So, I had a sincere desire to help people clear these types of issues by utilizing my inherent intuitive skills in conjunction with my intensive training(s).  I am experiencing huge successes in helping people clear their energy field, creating a happy, healthy balance in their life and empowering them to get in touch with their own intuition to maintain their own energy!


My Approach

In our work together you get to hear directly from your own Spirit, Guides, Angels and or Ancestors. By using specific protocols and ancient techniques I learned under the direct tutelage of world renowned psychic reader and healer Nancy Rebecca at Intuitive Mind. We will move energy in a powerful yet gentle way. We can move you up and out of past energy patterns created from your own life experience and also the influence of your family, social cultures and media. These energies have a buildup effect on our energy field, can slow us down and keep us held in old outdated patterns and programming, making us feel stuck and stifled and repeating the same patterns in our life. Not knowing how to break patterns, get out of our own way and move forward.  We can even be carrying issues from our ancestral lines, past lives and other people’s energy stuck in our own energy field! The analogy would be like needing to reboot and update the software on your computer!


In our session, I will tune into your Spirit, and then clairvoyantly place your soul’s essence into the symbol of a rose that I read, in a similar way that some psychics read tarot cards. This gives us a snapshot of what is going on in your chakras, energy field and grounding that gives us an initial feel for what your Spirit would like us to focus on in your session. Next, I can look at past lives (optional) that may be influencing your current life. I will get the spiritual lessons for you and help you clear out any old outdated influences and assist you in validating past strengths or gifts that your Spirit would like you to tap into. Lastly, I will look at the 7 individual layers of your auric field that correspond with your chakras.  Each chakra will present with a specific color, meaning and symbol, which we will use to heal or validate as your Spirit indicates. Your Spirit may also show me cords to release, annoying stuck memories that are wreaking havoc, energies that don’t belong to you or energetic issues that may be presenting physically, the list goes on and on.  If you book a Bonus Trio Reading, you can also ask a couple questions of your Spirit at the end of the session. 


Every session is unique and I never know what will come up for you however, it is always exciting, intriguing and wonder-full!!!  Your Spirit loves you like no other and wants to have a deeper more conscious relationship with you. Each reading will help release energies that stand between you and your spirit and move you closer to your own higher wisdom, personal power and inner strength.

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